Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Symbolism And Its Significance Of The Scarlet Letter

Discuss Hawthorne’s use of Symbolism and its Significance to the Themes of the novel -The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is a powerful tool used in the Scarlet letter. Hawthorne creates a metaphorical image where he presents two completely opposite objects and highlights its similar characteristics. The significance of symbolism gives a poetic style to the characters of the story. This hidden comparison can trigger emotions in the reader, where they change the way the feel about the characters as they read on. Sometimes symbolism magnifies a situation, this can come across as exaggeration, but Hawthorne’s intention is to try to recreate that particular Puritan society for the reader to understand. The setting takes place in the Puritan town of Boston where Hester Prynne resides Symbolism will give you more than just a straightforward answer. This indirect differentiation causes the reader to think deeply, and as a result is left with countless possibilities to associate different meanings to a symbol. In this essay I will focus on the following symbols: the letter ‘A’ and the needle-work associated with it, as well as Pearl and exploring their significance to the themes of the novel. The town officials forbade those to live by their desires, which in their eyes, led to sin. This is how protagonist Hester Prynne is introduced. Before we are informed of her characterization, we learn of her sin by the presentation of the Scarlet Letter. The description of the letter ‘A’ is aShow MoreRelatedScarlet Letter Symbolism Essay982 Words   |  4 PagesThe Significance of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a gothic satire of the puritan beliefs and value. 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