Saturday, May 16, 2020

Expansionary Monetary Policy Essays - 1494 Words

Expansionary Monetary Policy Expansionary fiscal policy, such as the Chancellor of the Exchequer deciding to reduce the standard rate of income tax leads to higher aggregate demand and an increase in equilibrium income and output. In this essay I will examine the factors that are important in determining the macroeconomic effects should such a policy be installed by Gordon Brown (Chancellor of the Exchequer), and I will comment on any suggestions I may have for Gordon Brown in the preparation of his next budget with a brief description on the assumptions that my advice is based. Macroeconomic Goals Firstly I would like to examine the macroeconomic goals/aims of Gordon Brown and his fiscal policy. Fiscal policy is the†¦show more content†¦An increase in aggregate demand leads to an increase in the demand for labour shown as a shift from DL to DL1 which leads to increase in employment as a result of the wage rate increasing from 1 to 2. However, due to the natural rate of unemployment the supply of labour shown as SL, shifts to the right to SL1 where the wage rate is represented as 3 and employment returns to the natural rate. IS-LM Model This example of short run and long run aggregate supply and demand brings us straight into IS-LM Model. The IS-LM Model shows the combinations of both income and interest rates and shows how equilibrium is reached in both the goods and money markets. This model involves two schedules/curves, the IS curve and LM curve. The IS schedule shows the different combinations of income and interest rates at which the goods market is in equilibrium and the LM schedule displays the combinations of interest rates and income compatible with equilibrium in the money market. IS-LM schedule in equilibrium or the goods and money markets in equilibrium. The money market is in equilibrium at all points on the IS curve. The money market is in equilibrium at all points on the LM curve so only at point A are both markets in equilibrium. With the exception of a fall in interest rates, any factor that shifts the aggregate demand curve upwards, such as a decrease in income taxes will also shift the IS curveShow MoreRelatedExpansionary Fiscal Policy And Expansionary Monetary Policy1496 Words   |  6 Pagesmove the economy out of a recession, the government would implement expansionary economic policies. One action the government would take would include conducting expansionary fiscal policy. The other action taken would be conducting expansionary monetary policy. Both of these actions would have an effect on such things as money supply, interest rates, spending, aggregate demand, GDP, and employment. 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