Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Revolutionary War - 1688 Words

In 1776, Thomas Jefferson began writing, We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men were created equal... in the Declaration of Independence. He was explaining the reason people were opposing Britain, who was oppressing the colonies with taxes and trade limitations. He felt that the colonists weren t justly represented in Parliament, and hoped this article could amend the damage. Looking back at history, everyone knows that the Revolutionary War happened. Looking in the present, Americans are still being oppressed by the government in other ways besides taxes. State workers are now dealing with an oppressive government that is limiting their rights to negotiate. Current governor Scott Walker legislation, particularly 2011’s†¦show more content†¦About a year later, he announced the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, hoping it would close the deficit gap by limiting collective bargaining rights about salaries increases and cutting retirement fund payments for fed eral workers. If the law succeeded, Wisconsin would be able to close the deficit and get the budget back to pre 2008. As a result, many workers protested against the bill. The main controversy of the bill dealt with the limitation of collective bargaining for the majority of public workers, except the police department and the fire department. On page 896 of the Summary of Provisions of Act 10, the governor states his plan to cut spending by ... [Altering] the collective bargaining rights of public employees in Wisconsin, with the exception of certain protective under the WS retirement fund or under the city of Milwaukee County Retirement system. There is clear favoritism for the police and firefighters, otherwise there would have been no exceptions for any public worker. It further targets other workers, particularly teachers, with its definition of public workers; classifying all other municipal and public employees, including teachers and employees of the Wisconsin Technical Coll ege System (Act 10). The Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill had limited the essence of labor unions. The bill prevents them from collectively bargaining for anything, except wages (Act 10). Though they take circumstances and situations under

Friday, December 20, 2019

Effective Communication And Successful Implementation Of...

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable and seemingly always on the horizon in the business world. It can directly affect organizational culture in both a positive and negative aspect. In order to combat the negative components of change that will surface, effective communication must be utilized as a part of the change strategy. Organizational change defined by Hurn (2012 cited in Bourne, 2015:p. 142) â€Å"involves changing an organization’s direction from the present position to a more desired position, in an effort to respond better to new challenges and opportunities†. Change tends to have a negative connotation but without change, an organization can become stagnant. What role does effective communication play in organizational change? How does organizational change occur? How does a leader(s) manage changing the organizational culture? This article will seek to answer these questions and convey the correlation of good communication and successful implementation of c hange initiatives. Developing Effective Organizational Communication The role of communication in organizational change is monumental. Conversely, many organizations have overlooked the inherent power that effective communication possesses. Spike and Lesser, 1995 regard communication as key to the successful implementation of change programs, because it is a tool for announcing, explaining, or preparing people for change, as well as for preparing for positive and negative effects of the impendingShow MoreRelatedTaking A Step Back To Juran’S Steps Once The Concept Of1215 Words   |  5 Pagesdetermination of how to implement the quality management plan. Once the plan is accepted there must be steps taken to facilitate this plan to staff who will be responsible for the execution of the tasks and activities that will uphold the plan. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Horticulture - The Physical and Chemical Properties Potting Mixes

Question: Discuss about the Horticulture for the Properties of Potting Mixes. Answer: Activity -1 Testing the physical properties of potting mixes Air-filled porosity (AFP) Results Name of mix V (ml) Vt (ml) AFP% Wettability time 1. Potting mix- 1 0.92 4.8 19% 25s 2. Potting mix-2 .75 5 15% 10s 3. Potting mix -3 1.25 5 25% 35s 4. Potting mix -4 0.9 4.5 20% 15s 5. Potting mix-5 1.5 5 30% 10s Wettability Results Name of mix Time Comment 1. Potting mix- 1 25s Wettability is normal 2. Potting mix-2 5s The water holding capacity of this mix is very high 3. Potting mix -3 35s Wettability of mix is very low 4. Potting mix -4 15s Wettability is normal 5. Potting mix-5 10s The water holding capacity of this mix is very high Observations Quality of the mixes The Air-filled-porosity of all the provided potting mixes shows an acceptable AFP score, which lies between 15 to 30% for all the plants. As per potting mix porosity provided by Department of agriculture and food, the count of at least 15% AFP is minimum for proper propagation (, 2016). The wettability of potting mix also occurred between 10s-15s, time duration indicating a good water absorption capacity of potting mixes. The wettability of potting mix -2 is high because potting mix used for lettuce has high humus rich soil that holds water for the long duration. Potential problems There is no potential problem because the obtained AFP is above 15% in all the potting mix samples. The wettability of potting mix-4 is very low. Recommendation Wetting agent can be used to enhance the wettability of potting mix-4 Activity -2 Testing the chemical properties of potting mixes pH Results Potting mix pH-colour kit test pH- pH meter test EC- EC meter test 1. Potting mix- 1 5.4 5.3 5.3 2. Potting mix-2 5.6 5.6 5.6 3. Potting mix -3 3 3.1 3.1 4. Potting mix -4 5.6 5.7 5.7 5. Potting mix-5 5.9 5.9 5.9 Observations a) Are the results for both methods of pH measurement the same? The pH results using the colour test kit, pH meter and EC meter are not observed to be same in all tests. In the five potting mix there is a difference in the reading of pH using colour test kit from the reading of EC and pH meter. The readings of EC meter and pH meter are similar in all the potting mix but the reading of colour kit test differs in the potting mix- 1,3 and 4. However, the readings of EC meter and pH meter are similar for all the five potting mix. b) Which method, in your opinion, is more accurate and in which situation would you use each method? In my opinion, the EC meter and pH meter can be considered as more reliable and accurate because the reading of both the instruments are same for all the five potting mix. Further, Quraishi et al. (2011) stated that pH meter simplifies the pH test where the pH value is determined automatically by the electronic device and displayed on the meter screen. In contrast, using a pH strip of the pH testing kit requires manual identification of pH that can persist manual errors. Hence, the pH meter is considered to be more accurate method to determine pH. The pH colour kit is reliable when there is no requirement of identifying the specific pH value. The pH colour kit is best to identify only the acidic or basic nature of the sample. Whereas, pH meter and EC meter are best for a situation where a specific value of pH is required to be evaluated in the sample. c) Compare your results with the Australian standard AS3743 and classify this mixes? As per AS3743 there are four categories of potting mixes that are All-purpose potting mix, Acid-loving plant potting mix, Premium potting mix and plant-specific potting mix (, 2016). All the above provided potting mix can be considered as All-purpose potting mix because their physical conditions are suitable for all purpose of the plantation. However, potting mix- 3 can be considered as acid-loving plant potting mix because its pH value is slightly acidic then required for all-purpose plantation (Toogood, 1999). d)Make a recommendation for the use of these potting mixes. (Are they suitable for any type of propagation or for the general plant growing purpose?) The above provided potting mix 1, 2, 4, and 5 are suitable for any type of propagation but the potting mix 4 is suitable for propagation of plant that requires acidic soil for growth. e)If the mixes dont comply with the standard, please give the recommendation how to adjust these mixes, so they can be suitable for propagation purpose. All the potting mixes are suitable for all-purpose propagation except potting mix - 4 that has an acidic pH. This potting mix can be made suitable for propagation by adding NaOH solution and reducing the acidity of mix below 6.5 to make it usable for all types of propagation (Mason, 2004). Activity -3 The toxicity test Results Potting mixes Roots after 4 days (mm) 1. Potting mix- 1 3mm 2. Potting mix-2 1.3mm 3. Potting mix -3 .2mm 4. Potting mix -4 2mm 5. Potting mix-5 2.3mm Observation As per above performed toxicity test, all the potting mixes seedling showed some amount of rooting but the seedling in potting mix-4 showed very less growth of just. 2mm. The reason for low rooting in seeds of potting mix-4 can be the acidic nature of this mix because Quraishi et al. (2011) studies state that acidic soil does not supports propagation resulting in slow growth or even seed death. However, all the other potting mix are suitable for propagation because there is rooting observed between 1.3-3mm within 4 days duration. The potting mix-1 shows maximum propagation capacity with rooting of 3mm within 4days. Activity -4 Propagation techniques Plant record Plant name Trial date Treatments Hormones Lilly pilly (Syzygium smithii) Cleaning with running tap water for 15 min and soaking in 70% alcohol for 1 minute. Rinse the plant with running tap water after alcohol treatment. IBA hormone to stimulate root growth Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Soaked in boiling water for 48 hours. Abscisic acid for stimulating growth Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) Soaked in boiling water for 48 hours. Ethylene for growth Lemon (Citrus limon) Soaked in boiling water for 24 hours. Cytokinin (BAP) for growth Azalea (Rhododendron azaleas) Cleaning with running tap water for 15 min IBA hormone to stimulate root growth *All the treatments and hormones are added as per requirement of provided plant sample Quality of propagation material Propagation material of plants Quality analysis Lilly pilly shoot cutting The shoot cuttings were healthy, new shoots, disease free with no mechanical damage. They were little contaminated with regular dust and water. Lettuce - Seeds Seeds provided were having ASA (Australian Seeds Authority Ltd.) certification. Seeds were disease free, healthy and test certified material. Pumpkin - Seeds Seeds provided were having ASA (Australian Seeds Authority Ltd.) certification. Seeds were disease free, healthy and test certified material. Lemon - Seeds Seeds provided were having ASA (Australian Seeds Authority Ltd.) certification. Seeds were disease free, healthy and test certified material. Azalea Shoot cuttings The shoot cuttings were healthy, new shoots, disease free with no mechanical damage and contamination. Other comments Plant -1 The shoot cutting sample of Lilly pilly plant was treated with running tap water and 70% alcohol because it consisted dust and outside water contamination. The treatment with 70% alcohol allows complete purification from dust with no damage to plant sample. The hormone IBA Indole-3-butyric acid was used to initiate rooting in the provided shoot cutting because shoot cutting needs to hold the soil as quickly as possible. Plant -2 Lettuce seeds provided as a sample were soaked in boiling water to make swell seed up to 1.5 larger sizes that will make germination very quick and easy in propagation. The abscisic acid is used to initiate seed germination and growth. Plant -3 Pumpkin seeds were soaked in boiling water for 48 hours to induce germination and ethylene worked as a growth hormone to initiate quick germination and shoot generation. Plant 4 Lemon seeds were soaked in boiling water for 24 hours to induce germination and BAP hormone 6-Benzylaminopurine worked as shoot generation hormone. Plant -5 Azalea shoot cuttings were washed with running water for 15 minutes to avoid chances of contamination and IBA was added in the mix to initiate rooting in the provided sample (Hartmann et al. 2011). Propagation techniques As these are two types of propagation materials that are shoot cuttings and seeds for all the five plants. Therefore, the seed germination and stem cutting propagation techniques are used to perform propagation. Seed propagation Materials Seed sample Boiling water Pots or trays 3inches deep with base holes Potting mix Flat board Saltshaker Spatula Peat moss Water Hormones Method Taken the seed sample and performed the treatment process as described above for each seed sample. Taken pots and trays soaked in 10% Clorox solution. The pots and trays were washed thoroughly. Filled the pots and trays with potting mix to the top and loosen the potting mix with flat board about half inches below the top of the pots. Further, the treated seeds were added to the surface mix with a spatula and shacked with saltshaker. Covered the seeds to the depth of twice their diameter. Peat moss or potting mix was used to cover seeds Added the required amount of hormone specific for each sample. Regularly water the by keeping the container in the pan of water for 1 minute that allows mix soak up the maximum water (Quraishiet al. 2011). Shoot propagation Materials Shoot cuttings sample Running tap water 70% alcohol Pots or trays 3inches deep with base holes Potting mix Sharp knife Rooting gel Forecep Peat moss Water Hormones Method The shoot cuttings were treated as per the treatment mentioned above. Using a sharp knife, a cut was made on the bottom of shoot samples at 45-degree angle to increase rooting area. Keep 2-3 set of leaves attached while cut the bottom set of leaves. Further, the prepared cutting was dipped in rooting gel that contains required rooting hormone. Taken pots and trays soaked in 10% Clorox solution. The pots and trays were washed thoroughly. Filled the pots and trays with potting mix to the top and loosen the potting mix with the flat board about half inches below the top of the pots. Now hold the shoot with the help of foreceps and place it straight in potting mix pots. Kept the inoculated plant in the warm and bright place. Provided water and hormone as required by the sample (Al Khateeb et al. 2012). Results and observations after weeks of propagation Successful propagation data Propagation plants Success rate Quality Lilly pilly shoot cutting Good shooting and rooting Healthy growth Lettuce - Seeds Good roots but fewer shoots Retarded shoot growth Pumpkin - Seeds Good shooting and rooting Healthy growth Lemon - Seeds Good shooting but less rooting Retarded root growth Azalea Shoot cuttings Good shooting and roots Healthy growth Rooting quality Propagation plants Treatment Hormone Rooting quality Rooting rate Lilly pilly shoot cutting 70% alcohol + IBA IBA Healthy roots 80% Lettuce - Seeds Soaked in boiling water Abscisic acid Healthy roots 94% Pumpkin - Seeds Soaked in boiling water Ethylene Healthy roots 68% Lemon - Seeds Soaked in boiling water Cytokinin (BAP) Retarded roots 30% Azalea Shoot cuttings 70% alcohol + IBA IBA Healthy roots 90% *The rooting rate was calculated by determining the percentage of plants showing roots Remedial procedure As per above observations, Lettuce sample propagation showed less shooting and lemon sample showed less rooting. The reason can be applied hormones where changing the shooting hormone for lettuce can initiate shooting process and implementing rooting hormones for the propagation of lemon seeds can initiate better rooting process. Using ethylene in place of abscisic acid can provide better shooting in lettuce. Further, using IBA in seed propagation of lemon can provide better rooting rate. The propagation obtained for Lilly, Pumpkin and Azalea were satisfactory. References Books Hartmann,HT, Kester,DE, Davies,FT, Geneve,RL 2011, Plant Propagation Principles and Practices, Prentice Hall, Sydney Mason,J 2004, Nursery Management, Land Links, Collingwood, Australia Toogood,A 1999, Plant Propagation, DK Publishing, INC, London Journals Al Khateeb, W., Hussein, E., Qouta, L., Aludatt, M., Al-Shara, B. and Abu-Zaiton, A., 2012. In vitro propagation and characterization of phenolic content along with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Cichorium pumilum Jacq.Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC),110(1), pp.103-110. Quraishi, A., Jadhav, S.K. and Gupta, S., 2011. In vitro Clonal Propagation of Cassia tora L.(Coffee Pod): A Medicinal Plant.Biotechnology,10(6), pp.546-550. Websites (2016).Potting mixes | Department of Agriculture and Food. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jul. 2016].